Credit Hour & Semester Info | Sitting Bull College

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Credit Hour & Semester Info

Credit Hour Description

A credit is the unit used in computing the amount of work required for a course.   本课程的学分列在课程名称之后.  Sitting Bull College has various educational delivery methods for course offerings.  The education methods include face-to-face lecture and laboratory, accelerated, hybrid, distance learning (internet and IVN), personalized system of instruction, and independent study.  All course delivery methods require the same academic equivalency. 

Face-to-Face Course Instruction

In a lecture course, one (1) semester hour of credit represents one (1) contact hour per week for one (1) semester; in a laboratory course, one (1) semester hour of credit represents two (2) contact hours per week; and internships and practicum courses, 一(1)学时的学分代表一(1)学期中每周三(3)小时的实际工作经验. In addition, 建议学生至少有两个小时的额外课外活动(如阅读), research, or completion of homework) each week for every one credit hour of lecture.

一些实习时间由认证要求确定,并在学位计划中注明.  Laboratory courses are identified in the course description.  
Accelerated courses are offered in various formats, but require a minimum of half the hours of regular instruction.  Therefore, 对于常规的三学分课程,在45个小时的加速模式下需要至少22个小时.5 hours of instruction.  速成课程的课堂时间和课外工作时间必须与面对面课程的课堂内外总学时相等.

Hybrid Course Instruction

Hybrid courses are offered through face-to-face and distance learning.   混合课程要求每周至少一个学分的常规教学,其余的教学通过远程学习完成.    In addition, 学生的课外作业量应与常规的面对面课程相同.

Distant Learning Instruction

SBC currently offers methods of instruction through distant learning, which includes the following methods:


这种教学方法是常规课堂教学方法的一种替代.  This two-way interactive communication system uses cameras and microphones at one site. 其他地点的参与者可以在电视监视器上观看和收听讲师或演示者.  


这种教学方法是常规课堂教学方法的一种替代.  只有那些成功完成最近一个学期的大学课程(12个或更多学分)的学生才能获得2分.00 grade point average will be allowed to register for on-line Internet course(s).  No first-time, 一年级新生或见习学生可以注册网上课程。.  转学生必须在注册在线网络课程之前提供成绩单。, and must have successfully completed college level coursework with a 2.00 grade point or higher in their most recent semester.



Independent Study Policy

太阳城官网的学生可能需要独立选修一门课程,以满足学生专业的毕业要求.  独立学习课程为学生提供机会,深入研究学生常规课程中的主题,但在学院没有提供的时间.  (Please note that any class requiring a lab and/or hands-on activities, and any education methods course cannot be taken as an independent study course.)  

在任何一个学期中,独立学习不超过三(3)个学分, 不超过九(9)个学分的独立学习学分可计入满足太阳城官网学位的最低要求*.

学生承担主要责任,在项目顾问和记录教师的指导下进行独立学习. 所有独立学习预计将包括与常规面对面课程相同的课程要求.  While there is no official independent study class meeting time, 可以安排定期的课堂会议,以便于师生会议和报告. Use of email communication is encouraged.



  1. 希望参加独立学习的学生应至少在学期第一天上课前一周开始填写独立学习申请表. 学生应与项目顾问商议独立学习课程的理由.
  2. 学生在修读独立学习课程之前必须满足以下要求:
  3. 学生需要在学生学位计划中取得令人满意的进展,并具有2.00 cumulative GPA at the time of requested independent study course;  
  4. The student must have completed 12 credits of college with a minimum GPA of 2.00 or above;
  5. 申请必须提供一个令人信服的理由,为预期的独立学习,必须提供一个真正的愿望,独立工作的证据.
  6. 然后,学生应将申请表提交给批准的记录院系,以同意独立学习.
  7. If the faculty of record agrees to the Independent Study course, 然后,学生将经批准的申请表提交给教务长进行最终批准.  Copies of the application should be kept by the student, the program advisor, and the faculty of record.
  8. The assigned faculty of record will layout the required coursework, necessary meeting times, and the timeline to the student.  Communication may be in person, by phone, or electronic means.
  9. 要注册,学生必须完成课程的常规注册材料.
*学生可以向教务长申请放弃最高学分政策. Waivers will be granted only with support from the student’s advisor.

Semester Description

Sitting Bull College operates on a semester basis, 哪一个学期平均有十五(15)周的教学和一(1)周的期末考试,总共有十六(16)周.  夏季课程的长度约为六(6)周,夏季课程提供的课程各不相同.  (See the Academic Calendar for starting and ending semester dates).